Sabot is a place to WONDER.

When children ask a question—Why can I see the moon in daytime? Can a fact change? Is history fact? Why do things have to die? Who does the forest belong to? Who was here first? Why haven’t we solved war?—that comes from their own lived experience, their own sincere and authentic wondering, it is the responsibility of the educator to foster a space that allows that inquiry to continue. Teacher-researchers do not pretend certainty, nor do they silence questions that are complex, difficult, or impossible to answer. At Sabot, we aim to create life-long learners and encourage exploration without stifling inquiry.

3rd grade debating boundaries and dams in the forest led to questions about ownership, map-drawing, rights, decision-making, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Richmond’s red-lining, consequence and punishment. A response to the question, “I wonder who decided where the first lines were drawn on the very first map?” depends on a teacher keenly attuned to the rich opportunity that has been presented and, of course, on the resources that can encourage research, reflection, and further consideration.

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