Welcome to the admissions section of the Sabot School website. We’re so glad you’re here.
Selecting an educational program is one of the most important decisions families make, and the process of visiting and considering schools can be demanding, and sometimes daunting, for adults and children alike. We are here to help, and hope you find the enrollment process—from your first explorations of Sabot and throughout the admission process—not only informative but also inspiring! At Sabot, we take joy seriously; a child’s right to learn with joy is at the heart of what we do.
As you visit schools in the area and discern what is best for your family, we encourage your reflection on two important questions. First, how well does the school’s program match your own values and desires for your child’s education? And second, how well does a given school’s program feel like it matches the sensibilities and gifts of your child as a learner?
The goal of Sabot’s admission process is to help you think about these questions in ways that are fruitful but not overwhelming. The first step for any grade level is to set up a visit so that we can show you our campus and tell you more about how a Sabot education is different. Please be in touch to arrange a time to meet with us.
We look forward to welcoming you.
With joy,