Sabot is thrilled to announce that "Phase 2" of Honor Hall construction has begun in earnest. The upper level, completed in January of 2023, is currently home to students in Kindergarten through Grade 8; Preschool students continue to use the Main House and the cottages at the back of campus for their learning spaces.
Of course, as enrollment increases, so does our need for space! The bottom level of Honor Hall will provide six additional classrooms including a science lab. We anticipate completion of the project this spring so that the 2024-2025 academic year may begin with K-8 students and teacher-researchers occupying the entirety of Honor Hall.
Nothing of this transformative improvement to Sabot's campus would be possible without the generous support and dedication of our community who believes that indeed we are a Small School for Big Change. To give and to learn more, visit:
Update: October 16, 2023
This week in the Honor Hall lower level, contractors will be working on completing the framing of the walls and installing the remaining electrical ceiling “rough-in" — the electrical wiring between the main panel and the walls.
The major work over the next three weeks or through early November will be on the mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) in the ceiling and in the walls. The mechanical work includes all the HVAC equipment which will keep the building warm in winter and cool in the summer.
Onward we go!
Progressive education for children in preschool through eighth grade.
3400 Stony Point Road
Richmond, Virginia 23235
p (804) 272-1341
f (804) 560-9255